Wednesday, August 03, 2011

make, make, make

So, I survived summer school. Actually, I survived school from January 3rd to July 29th with two weeks of break time in there somewhere (not back to back). That's a lot of school. I'm not going to say that it's harder than working, but it's different. I spent many evenings and weekends and early mornings and other odd hours doing school related work, and someday I hope to have a job that doesn't require that of me. It's fulfilling, that's true, but sometimes that doesn't take away the difficulty. At least now I have a few weeks "off" to make, make, make. My thesis work is creeping up on me, so I'm taking this time of making seriously!

This braid is a sneak peak at a site-specific fibers installation + photo shoot I am planning for at the end of this week. More details later, but for now, it's a secret!

These tiny flowers came from the garden, and are being preserved in acid-free self-laminating pouches, then used in my jewelry making class. Since I don't have the tools to cut and drill through glass, this will work for now.


another feather said...

I did summer school twice a few years ago. It really is so so hard, and so much work. But also so rewarding to get that much done in such a short time. I can't wait to see the fibers installation!

Kristen said...

For sure! It was hard getting so much done in only six weeks, especially after the final sprint at the end of my spring quarter. I feel so relieved now to have gotten so many credit hours out of the way, though!

Thanks, I can't wait to post about it! It's happening tomorrow morning.