Saturday, August 06, 2011

the most wonderful time of the gardening year

My apologies to anyone reading who doesn't share my love for tomatoes...I promise I will post about something else soon! It's just so exciting that they are finally ripening.

I bought a miniature vintage postage scale for 30 cents a few months ago to weigh my produce on! I thought it would be a fun stat to make a record of. This tomato was five ounces and ended up on a pizza inspired by this Smitten Kitchen recipe.

Here is this morning's tomato harvest. We had to pick a lot of green tomatoes because we are still finding branches that were damaged in some storms we had a few weeks back. The damage on some branches remained unnoticeable until the tomatoes started weighing them down. I think we'll fry some of these, and try to let the rest ripen. I believe I was just too impatient before.

Today I'd like to use a couple of the ripe ones to make this eggplant, zucchini, and tomato tian. This recipe is layered and baked like lasagna, but the layers are slices of the vegetables + bread crumbs and parmesan (will probably use nutritional yeast) and vegetable broth.

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