Spring is nearly over! I enjoyed this spring so much. I felt a special appreciation for each new flower and vegetable that came into season. I feel more alive and connected with the earth when I live with the seasons in mind! Summer is coming up officially next week (but it's so hot here it may as well have started a month ago). It is not my favorite, mostly due to the heat, but I am trying to find things to like about it. So far I am liking the variety of vegetables in season, reading a lot (just finished Into the Wild, loved it), and filling my windowsill with tiny plants.
On my living room windowsill now I have chocolate mint clippings waiting to be eaten (they smell amazing and I have a lot, give me your recipes!), a thrifted milk jar full of zinnias, a terrarium with wild strawberries and moss growing inside, a terrarium of my roommate's housing jade, Thai basil clippings sprouting roots, and my herb garden! And in my bedroom I have three succulents, an ivy plant, and a recycled yeast jar (one of the pretty brown glass ones) full of tiny white flowers. Lately my obsession for all types of plants has been growing and growing. I'm ready to move so I can acquire as many as I want and not feel guilty! I have so many botanical aspirations! The first things I want are an aloe vera plant and a small side table full of succulents. The succulents I have are in thrifted white milk glass planters, which I've seen an abundancy of, so I have plans to get a dozen or so more and fill them with various succulent varieties. I'd also like to get some field guides so I can identify plants better. I'm in love!
There were some Mennonites selling aloe vera at our local farmer's market a couple of weeks ago. I can check to see if they have them next time if you want one...if you have room for one!
There has been a vendor selling it at the Conway market as well and I would love to get one locally...but I am trying to keep myself from getting it until after I move! I already have a small collection of other plants and I can't bear to part with any of them, and I think it's going to be hard going that far with them! Thanks for the offer, though!!
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